Feasibility Studies and Master Plan
As companies examine new ventures through investments in process facilities, a high level of analysis is required to judge how profitable such an opportunity might be. Through feasibility studies, Wei-Pack can examine the project's potential in detail, identifying every aspect that will eventually lead to a profitable Master Plan. Feasibility studies become necessary once a project has passed some level of initial approval by a respective company. Whether the client's existing plant requires modification or a grass roots plant calls for master planning, companies find it essential to examine a project's viability. Wei-Pack's feasibility studies provide the necessary analytical tools and expertise to complete every aspect of this examination.
For clients seeking approval for grass roots developments, Wei-Pack engineers perform cost and risk analysis on the proposed design to quantify the benefits. By taking a preliminary look at all the options the client can select a custom fit solution. On modernization projects, in addition to cost and risk analysis, our experienced engineers assess the current state conditions by researching maintenance, operating, and design records, performing system walk downs at the site location, and interviewing the operating, maintenance, and engineering personnel. These technical requirements pinpoint weaknesses to identify areas most requiring improvement.
If the conclusive evidence supports the decision to move forward, a Master Plan is put in place. As the backbone of our process design, the Master Plan is an essential part of our mainstream business and central to the philosophy of once through engineering. Furthermore, a well-conceived Master Plan will minimize capital, maintenance, and production costs later.
FMC B&T offers Feasibility Study and Master Plan services such as:
Benefit Analysis
Risk Assessment
Cost Estimates
Plot Plans & Facility Layout Requirements
Project Scheduling
Process Flow Diagrams
Material Balance Diagrams
Process Control Scheme
Product Analysis by Family Group and SKU
Utility Requirements
Manpower Requirements